DBMS Data Base Management System Full Course(B.Tech CSE)
In This complete DBMS Course we will study all the basics concepts of the database and how it will be managed and from the starting , i will start teaching you from the very basics and then we will raise the bar like anything so , I am very much excited for the course so do all of you so lets get started.
Operating System Full Course(B.Tech CSE)
In This playlist i am sharing all the complete knowledge of the O.S (Operating System) that i have with all of you guys and from the very beginning we will start this course and then after some understandibiity we will raise the bar like anything and from the concepts like what is OS how it works we will reach at the very advanced level , So are you guys ready to enroll in it.
Software Project Management Full Course (B.Tech CSE)
In This playlist we will learn about software projects and how that kind of projects will differ from any other projects and from very basic level i will try to explain all of you that how a software will work and how software project will be made and what are its pros and cons in this real world so guys together we will learn about all of the fundamental talks about the software project management and i hope all the B.Tech CSE Students out there is willingly to take this course and getting theirselves enrolled in so guys its basically free of cost.
Compiler Design Full Course (B.Tech CSE)
In this course i will teach you all about the compilers and its basic to advanced level concepts and how compiler works and many more so enough for now lets get started guys.